Personal Identifiable Information

We care about you and your information.
We believe in only using it to benefit you - bringing you great and exclusive deals!

1. You agree that by contacting and submitting your PII that you consent to communication via telephone calls or text messages using any automatic telephone dialing system(s), artificial voice(s), pre-recorded call(s), and/or pre-recorded voice(s) (in each case to your mobile, home and/or office phone numbers), email blasts and otherwise by postal mail. 

2. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that your PII will be used by us and third parties, to contact you for advertising, marketing, reminders and other commercial purposes, including without limitation by any means laid out above in 1. 

3. At any point you will have the option to opt out of future marketing, unsubscribe and ask to be removed from the list. You can email requesting this removal. We have no control over third parties, you must contact each such third party direct in order to request your PII be removed by them. 

4. You acknowledge and agree that we may sell your PII or otherwise transfer our contact list to certain third parties, and such third parties may contact you to solicit your business or otherwise by any means laid out above in 1.

                BREVARD COUNTY                                                        LEE COUNTY                                                        PALM BEACH COUNTY

                BROWARD COUNTY                                                      MIAMI-DADE COUNTY                                      POLK COUNTY                        

                INDIAN RIVER COUNTY                                                ORANGE COUNTY                                              VOLUSIA COUNTY


         Kids Love Florida
